What you while consider pregnancy should pregnant women just need while traveling recreation. A holiday must be not postponed so, just because is approaching a child. Only a few restrictions apply for the choice of destination, as well as for the actual planning of the trip. The goal of travel during pregnancy should be carefully chosen, because the relaxation is in the foreground. It goes without saying that trips are taboo in developing countries or in areas with a high security risk, low standard of hygiene or while rampant Epedimien. But also adventure holidays, back Packer trips and holidays with many different stations are unsuitable. Can be on different pages with travel tips about possible destinations and countries make smart information.
The accommodation on the ground must be protected. Easy to take place”, in the blue into a hotel in advance should be posted. A camping vacation can in pregnancy bad idea prove, also because toilet visits in the Advanced Months are common. If you would like to know more then you should visit celebrity trainer. In the first two months of pregnancy, travel is still straightforward. Only any morning sickness can become a problem, which is why in such cases should be started later in the day trips. From the third month of pregnancy, the uberkeit is mostly gone. The body has become accustomed to the changing hormonal balance.
Shorter routes without a lot of luggage are now feasible. A road trip should be thought out a little: only short trips with regular breaks, where women can get some exercise. Air travel is also possible for pregnant women, but not when the pregnancy complications is accompanied. In the late stage, a medical certificate is required for most airlines, otherwise a carriage can be denied in the eighth or ninth month. The last Schangerschaftsdrittel is difficult because of the bulging belly. Longer stretch should be avoided now. Even short trips can be exhausting already. By the way, on the developing fetus has travel to no effect.