For What does it do? The brain is a "remote control" of the whole organism. To broaden your perception, visit Senator From Kentucky. From the first moments of birth and throughout life from his work depends on the immune system, hormones, metabolism, the work of all organs and systems. For even more details, read what Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes says on the issue. In the pediatric neurology exists the concept of "a false increase in neurological symptoms. This means that the pathological effects occurred a long time (complications of pregnancy, childbirth), and eventually, to the extent 'Inclusion in the work of "new areas of the brain, it becomes apparent how damaged the nervous system at one time. And the growing bundle of problems "not only with the behavior, learning, and child health in general.
Why Ultrasound (ultrasonography study) of the brain-child? Performing ultrasound of the brain, the doctor determines how well-formed brain structures, is there any signs of immaturity, transferred hypoxia, ischemia, inflammation, excessive accumulation of fluid in the cranial cavity, etc. Conducting research does not require special preparation, not invasive, painless, short and safe. The highest information content after 10 days of life. Considering only data ultrasound, the doctor often tracks the dynamics of recovery after treatment, as to evaluate the work of most parts of the brain in the infant is almost impossible. Everything is so bad? Not at all. All just fine. As our grandmothers: "40 years ago no one was treated and all grown up." Really! And grow up, but the quality of life and health for all will be different. Medicine and education have shown that children with moderate and severe damage to the nervous system on time and in full, received a neurological treatment in the first months of life are often more successful in school and healthy than their peers with mild or undiagnosed brain damage, not received medical treatment.