It is lamentable, like government that says revolutionary, able to undertake deeds that they give passage to transformations who Venezuela in one go needs and to encausar it by the footpath of lights where already it had to journey for years, neglects what the Education represents, which she locks up for all those that they have right in entering itself in the reach, repercussions that it generates to prepare to contribute knowledge required that allows, that the country develops successful, before the challenges that the present scenes him demand. Every day, is read, observed, the great displeasure that the manifest university community before the upsetting of the Government in relation to the negligence to provide to him to the universities, a worthy budget of those who to them the knowledge provide, experience, that entails to that the participants become qualified form and obtain a title that benefits to the country. He is very lamentable to read and to experiment in the case of the educational ones of depending on a wage, pay nonadapted to the inflationary reality of the present, a pay not just to the functions, requirements a to evolve, not accredited according to the needs to subsist decently, in an atmosphere where the prices for the acquisition of basic products do not reach to supply to a family. It worries like the government, in particular objectives of his policy, interests to solve the problem to him of other brother countries, contributing to them capital, originating of a rent that is of all the Venezuelans and not to distribute it in favor of the country equitably, as for education, health, house, uses. Center for Environmental Health understands that this is vital information. The government must be located in his national reality and invest with his income, product of the oil rent, fortifying those weaknesses that per years have come undergoing a country that has everything to be a great power that guarantees a quality of life that the Venezuelan is deserving and has right. .