More vitality and energy through wellness! Wellness is briefly expressed the harmony of body, mind and soul. Man is doing holistically considered, i.e., not just the body alone as often seen in traditional medicine. Wellness is the knowledge that only one can feel right at home, which is not only physically fit, but are also spirit and soul in harmony with each other. The key to wellness is located in a healthy way of life have the right combination of optimum nutrition, moderate exercise, targeted relaxation, activating mental training, regular grooming and enough sleep. In our fast-moving times, oasis of peace and relaxation are an undesirable schopflich important source for health and well-being begins in the high Alter.Gesundheit with enjoy and that can take time for beautiful things and to live small desires small pleasures. This is unfortunately less and less possible. The paths to Wellness: Relax and enjoy This is the basis of health.
Live in the here and now, focusing on the essentials, carefully with your own body and others deal with, in equilibrium with itself? Escape out, and again the everyday life and strengthen the vitality of your body. The Community Center offers a variety of offers health & wellness in small Gerau 220 sqm for relaxation and wellbeing, such as massages, cosmetics, Med. Foot care, Reiki and infrared heat cabin. Outdoors regularly Nordic held walking basic instructor Nordic walking courses headed a DNV Nordic. Contact information: Community Center Health and wellness, at the sea trench 1a, 64572 small Gerau, Tel: 06152 / 176688, Ute Hoffmann